From the ol’ Insta. Initial fabrication fricking complete!! … For the wings :-) … Mostly :-) Next steps for the wings are grinding down the welds, cleaning them up a bitz and painting. Then the CNC pieces, and then the assembly. … And then the LEDs and the programming :-) But all moving forward. Thanks again to Mark, and Katie @cirkatieanrhythms , and @upside_sf for hosting. #sculpture #burningmanart #memorialdayweekend #making
From the ol’ Insta. An afternoon working further in Illustrator, then getting to chill with the amazing Tricycle Soundsystem @gvdbgvdb #sunday #doityourself
From the ol’ Insta. Looking ahead to the next phase of producing sculpture, getting all the way into the details for the faces of the figures. These will be CNC machine-carved based on vector files, which I’m making in Illustrator. I’m currently going through and adjusting points as needed. Some details are more noticeable when they’re not done, and all further things are put on them as a foundation. #adobeillustrator #sculpture #burningmanart
From the ol’ Insta. Pretty neat. Walked a the coffee shop I haven’t been in a while, and found out someone is interested in one of my digital prints. #artlife #digitalart
From the ol’ Insta. Great convo with Burning Man’s great Bob at RAT, and just got a Nnotion for how to incorporate a solar panel and a box for the electronics for the sculpture. This would be to make a box that fits in with the supports in the back, providing a nicely contained section that would also angle the screens for maximum energy input during the day. Just love it when things come together. #solarpunk #solar #sculpture #burningmanart
From the ol’ Insta. And then you get to kill it at a Santa Cruz Unscruz mae up party. :) #sundayfunday @hpzartcar @7thwestoakland
From the ol’ Insta. A smaller update this week, steps made forward in prep and clearing things up. Have the metal size, trimmed and ready to weld into the support rectangles. Also started work on the vector files to CNC carve the human figures that will go in front. Next step, in either one or two weeks, weld it all together and perhaps even assemble it all, and in that case see how it looks before the LEDs :-) Thanks @upside_sf :) #sculpture #burningmanart #burningman
From the ol’ Insta. Testing out Zapier to share insta posts to my WordPress, so figured I’d also have fun with this image. A friend of mine is really into reading as many Kindle ebooks as he can in a month, so a had my AI interns create this image in recognition of his Extreme Reading prowess.